Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Visual Brainstorming - Artist's Statement

I decided to choose the big idea of purpose. It encompasses a lot of different topics, and the first for me is the idea of religion. For a lot of people, religion seems to give purpose in this life. With this, I included photos that showed prayer, someone reaching toward something, and serene areas in which it could be seen as heavenly. I also wanted to explore how we see ourselves and the way our identity fits into our purpose. This is the reason for the pictures showing multiples (twins, etc. ) Identity is seemingly hard to come by when there's someone else that looks like you. The issue of worth in life also fits into purpose. I demonstrated this idea with purpose with images such as money (value) and weight--connecting with worth.

I chose purpose because it is a big concept that applies to me. Purpose in life is a controversial topic because of all of the above stated. When facing such issues with identity, worth, value, etc., I can't help but wonder what my purpose in this life is. Because there are several topics to explore within purpose, I know that I can formulate the idea of purpose through imagery.

1 comment:

  1. I do like this big idea and the direction that you chose to take it. It is quite similar to mine in how you are sort of questioning the thought of purpose and how you may not quite understand it.
