Sunday, February 20, 2011

artist statement

p u r p o s e 

When exploring the idea of purpose, specificity was very important. I wanted to create an image that portrayed purpose being fulfilled in simple way. The way that a cup fulfills its purpose is by holding a beverage for a person to drink. When it touches the person's lips, its purpose completed. 
I also wanted to illustrate the cup's purpose going beyond what its created purpose was. It was originally created to hold a beverage of some sort, and now it holds flowers. 
Both of the images are connected because the cup touches "life" in each. I highlighted the color of my lips to display the fulfillment of the cup's original purpose. In the second image, the "life", or flowers, are in color to display the cup's new purpose, not the designed purpose. The decaying petals falling from the flower illustrates that when used outside of of its designed purpose, it falls apart. 

The concept of purpose is important to me because I believe that I was created for a purpose. In a cosmic sense, I know that God created me to be His hands and feet to reach out to those who are lost in this world. This concept is vast, which is why I thought it would be beneficial to demonstrate a simple meaning of purpose. 


  1. I thought this was a really cute picture very lively. I like how the colors pop and how you focus in on the middle. I would have placed more color in the picture with you in it. Maybe place color in your highlights or change your nail polish to the bright pink to match the flowers. Once you explained your topic of the cup having more of a purpose. I understood it as the cup gives life nourishment rather than just something that holds liquid. Great job!!!

  2. This is really cool and in depth. I really like the enhancement of the colors to make the point. Also how you used the same elements through out the dyptic. One suggestion I would make is if you could some how show something with more of purpose. Another thing may be to show something that is natural and it's purpose. For your project i would definitly how something that either shows something tha clearly only has one purpose os something that has an infinite amount of uses/purposes.

  3. I can completely see where your idea comes from. You totally use your way to think about this big idea in a simple way which is really a good choice. Your profile picture is so pretty by the way. Besides, i like the connections between your two artworks . I think the cup seems to be the connection as you are holding your cup in the first picture and the second pictures shows that cup again. Also, you put the color on the flower of the second artwork seems like you are adding color to your life. I think this is what you are trying to depict your idea through your images. Very cool topic and simple to understand!
