Wednesday, February 16, 2011

b l o g t h r e e

T h o m a s   T i b i t a n z l 

Thomas' work appeals to me because of the quiet ethereal quality his work seems to have. His work is very different, from imaginative landscapes to colorful edited people, all of it has a similar glow to it. The way he edits his work is recognizable because of the blue/green/purple family of colors glowing on the borders of the pictures or worked into the art. His big ideas seem to portray cosmic existence.  When I first saw his work, I thought of "purpose" which is my big idea for art edu. in this specific image, the girl is looking at the key to the world. I connected the idea of a higher power to this picture because she doesn't seem to be able to open it. It suggests that someone else has the key. 

The way that Thomas' work is cohesive in that the nature around the world seems like it works altogether is a component i could add to my project. The color scheme is also important to be careful of because his work is all in a similar family of colors. I can use this in my project to bring it together.

T i m W a l k e r

I've blogged about Tim Walker before, but I can't seem to shy away from his work. I love that each of his photos tell a story. In particular, I really like that he is able to play around with sizing in his pictures. Tim's work is unusual because he takes regular everyday items, and puts it in a strange juxtaposition. 

I think that I could incorporate this element of size in my work in order to illustrate the importance of a subject. for example, with the big idea of purpose, I could demonstrate the common purpose of people that are working. The idea of a person working a computer/machine that's way bigger than them could show that there's a bigger purpose in this life other than working.

Haha, big fish. 


  1. I love the first picture. His artwork seems so dream and imaginary which give people a large space to think about. Good choice !

  2. I love the art done by T i b i t a n z l it is very visually stimulating. I am not quite sure what the point behind tim walkers work is but its very interesting.
