Monday, February 28, 2011

q u i z f o u r


                The Princess Bride is a movie designed for a younger audience. Adolescents aging from 8-12 is the target audience which we can gather from the visual cues in the image such as the skateboard, baseball, and teddy bear. Based off of the main imagery in which the grandfather is telling his grandson a story, we can also conclude that younger kids are more likely to be attracted to this poster because it is a common action given to kids by grandparents around this age. The color of the movie poster is very rich with the dark blue sky which gives us a friendly vibe from the movie. The clouds in the background with the small castle show a stereotypical fairytale story. The color scheme is reminiscent of an animated movie, which is also mainly viewed by adolescents.  As compared to the James Bond film in which the colors seem harsh and pale.


              Casino Royale is a more modern movie geared toward a young adult male audience. The color contrasts from the friendly blues of the Princess Bride poster, here showing a pale, icy-like blue color scheme. The young woman on the right hand side is noticeably smaller in size from the main character which may assume male dominance which is seemingly prominent in our culture today. She is a slim, pretty, sexy woman staring at Bond. She is alluring to all men, however, especially to younger men because of her age. The main character, Bond, is in a tuxedo holding gun in his left hand. Teenage boys and young adult men are more interested in gun-action or violence more than other audiences. This movie poster conveys the message that men are powerful with guns and can also draw in women. 

Here is the final product. The audience is now geared more towards young to middle aged women because it is focusing more on the love story of Westley and Buttercup.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

artist statement

p u r p o s e 

When exploring the idea of purpose, specificity was very important. I wanted to create an image that portrayed purpose being fulfilled in simple way. The way that a cup fulfills its purpose is by holding a beverage for a person to drink. When it touches the person's lips, its purpose completed. 
I also wanted to illustrate the cup's purpose going beyond what its created purpose was. It was originally created to hold a beverage of some sort, and now it holds flowers. 
Both of the images are connected because the cup touches "life" in each. I highlighted the color of my lips to display the fulfillment of the cup's original purpose. In the second image, the "life", or flowers, are in color to display the cup's new purpose, not the designed purpose. The decaying petals falling from the flower illustrates that when used outside of of its designed purpose, it falls apart. 

The concept of purpose is important to me because I believe that I was created for a purpose. In a cosmic sense, I know that God created me to be His hands and feet to reach out to those who are lost in this world. This concept is vast, which is why I thought it would be beneficial to demonstrate a simple meaning of purpose. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

b l o g t h r e e

T h o m a s   T i b i t a n z l 

Thomas' work appeals to me because of the quiet ethereal quality his work seems to have. His work is very different, from imaginative landscapes to colorful edited people, all of it has a similar glow to it. The way he edits his work is recognizable because of the blue/green/purple family of colors glowing on the borders of the pictures or worked into the art. His big ideas seem to portray cosmic existence.  When I first saw his work, I thought of "purpose" which is my big idea for art edu. in this specific image, the girl is looking at the key to the world. I connected the idea of a higher power to this picture because she doesn't seem to be able to open it. It suggests that someone else has the key. 

The way that Thomas' work is cohesive in that the nature around the world seems like it works altogether is a component i could add to my project. The color scheme is also important to be careful of because his work is all in a similar family of colors. I can use this in my project to bring it together.

T i m W a l k e r

I've blogged about Tim Walker before, but I can't seem to shy away from his work. I love that each of his photos tell a story. In particular, I really like that he is able to play around with sizing in his pictures. Tim's work is unusual because he takes regular everyday items, and puts it in a strange juxtaposition. 

I think that I could incorporate this element of size in my work in order to illustrate the importance of a subject. for example, with the big idea of purpose, I could demonstrate the common purpose of people that are working. The idea of a person working a computer/machine that's way bigger than them could show that there's a bigger purpose in this life other than working.

Haha, big fish. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

blog two.

synonyms for PURPOSE: 1. mission 2. aspiration 3. reason
related tags:
1. vision, trek, rocket
2. transcend, heaven, ambition, surreal
3. why?, intention, aim

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Visual Brainstorming - Artist's Statement

I decided to choose the big idea of purpose. It encompasses a lot of different topics, and the first for me is the idea of religion. For a lot of people, religion seems to give purpose in this life. With this, I included photos that showed prayer, someone reaching toward something, and serene areas in which it could be seen as heavenly. I also wanted to explore how we see ourselves and the way our identity fits into our purpose. This is the reason for the pictures showing multiples (twins, etc. ) Identity is seemingly hard to come by when there's someone else that looks like you. The issue of worth in life also fits into purpose. I demonstrated this idea with purpose with images such as money (value) and weight--connecting with worth.

I chose purpose because it is a big concept that applies to me. Purpose in life is a controversial topic because of all of the above stated. When facing such issues with identity, worth, value, etc., I can't help but wonder what my purpose in this life is. Because there are several topics to explore within purpose, I know that I can formulate the idea of purpose through imagery.