Monday, January 24, 2011

Think...Big Ideas

     What is value? We often think of money when we think of value. How much is that worth? How many things do you have that are worth this much? Value connects to materialism and all the things that we can buy. We judge people on how much we think they have, how rich they are. Another way to think of value is how much we care about something. We value our relationships, our ambitions, etc.

     Culture is a significant factor in defining identity. Whether we grew up in the states or overseas in a European or Asian country, we all have culture. The people around us, and our environment make up everything about our identity. What we surround ourselves with makes us who we are because those things are important to us. Our identity is often found in how we react to our culture.

      When I think of purpose, I can't help but think of the path I chose to follow for my purpose in life and that is to follow the God Almighty. His purposes for me are what I rely on more than my ambitions because I feel like the things I want have so much uncertainty in the way they will work out. To fulfill my purpose in life is to seek God's will. Purpose is a big word. I think that people will often think of purpose as life goals, why they do what they do, and why they choose to persevere.

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